Chikoo / Sapota Halwa | Sweet Recipe

Sapota / Chikoo Halwa is a sweet recipe. Making this sweet in very simple way by adding simple ingredients. Ingredients are Rava, jaggery, sapota and ghee. All ingredients blends nicely each other and sweet become nicely flavour with sapota / chikoo fruit.


Manilkara zapota, commonly known as sapodilla, sapota, chikoo, naseberry, or nispero is a sweet fruit and taste is delicious. In our local language it is called as Chikku. This fruit contains lot of protein and nutrients.

Sapota fruit loaded with vitamin A B, and C which is improves our immunity level. It loaded with Fructose and sucrose so provides energy. Sapota is an ideal fruit for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Sapota has anti-inflammatory properties. Including sapota in your regular diet makes the bones stronger as it contains calcium, phosphorous and iron. It improves the various bodily functions and aids the healthy growth of bones.

Sapota is one of the seasonal fruit. It is brown skin, sweetness inside, black colour of seeds. The seasonal fruit are having more affection by the people. Everyone liked this fruit because it is tasty and healthy too. We can consume direct fruit or by sapota milkshake of course this is best for summer.

Sapota is rich in vitamin A and C so it best for our eye and increase the immunity level of other parts. This fruit contains sucrose and fructose therefore we calling enegery booster fruit. Sapota are making our body bones strong. The sapota helps like anti oxidant and helps in digestion.

It was introduced to the Philippines during Spanish colonization. It is grown in large quantities in India, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Mexico.

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