Ridge Gourd Peel Dry Chutney

Ridge Gourd Peel Dry Chutney

The ridge gourd peel dry chutney is very healthy and delicious. The ridge gourd is dark green, white scalp and white seeds inside and Outer cover is little harder than other parts. This recipe is simple and easy to make. I’m calling this vegetable as zero waste vegetable.


Everyone use ridge gourd for stir fry, curry and other recipes. While doing recipes we will be removing outer harder layer later it’s discarded as waste. I tried this recipe from outer harder layer of ridge gourd.  Every part of ridge gourd is used for cooking. We can call it delicious recipe from discarded vegetable. By using peels of ridge gourd we can prepare chutney, stir fry and more recipes.

Ridge gourd peel dry chutney is served with dosa, idli, rice and more. We need to chop ridge gourd peel into small pieces. Roast the red chilly and chopped ridge gourd peel with little oil. Dry the grated coconut and curry leaves separately. Salt, jaggery and tamarind added to the taste. Grind all the roasted ingredients as dry. If all ingredients roasted properly we can store it outside up to one week otherwise we need to refrigerate.

Red chillies give nice colour and spicy flavour to this chutney. Jaggery is completely optional for this recipe. Tamarind is reducing the acidity from the recipe. We need to fry or roast the chopped peels of ridge gourd otherwise it will not give texture to this recipe.

Actually peels are rich in fiber and other nutrition. After preparing this dry chutney you can never tell this chutney made from discarded item of vegetable. Any time it will be delicious and well done texture. The taste of this ridge gourd peel dry chutney is spicy and tangy flavour.

Health Benefits of Ridge Gourd:

Thank you reading my story about this recipe. Catch you in next interesting healthy recipe.

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#RidgeGourdChutney #RidgeGourdPeel #ZeroWaste

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