Kanakallate Majjigehuli

Kanakallate kayihuli is a very easy, quick and healthy recipe. Kanakallate is one of the vegetables in the South. This is also called bush grape or kaadu drakshi. It grows at the end of summer and or in the middle of monsoon. This vegetable is seasonal. It is white in color and looks like grapes. This majjigehuli is one of the traditional and authentic recipes. It is very famous in havyaka religion. And also popular in Tulunaadu, Dakshina Kannada and Kasaragoad district. 

Personally I love the procedure of making majjige huli from kanakallate. Because removing the seeds is fun. If the toddler is there, you can definitely enjoy this activity with them. My son loves removing the seeds after cooking kanakallate. He calls this vegetable a cap vegetable because once you are done with removing the seeds it looks like a cap.

Kanakallate majjigehuli recipe is very simple and easy to prepare. First we need to cook the kanakallate or wild grapes with some  salt and water. After cooking, remove all the seeds. While raw kanakallate is very difficult to remove the seeds. Seeds cause allergic reactions hence we are not consuming seeds. Before cooking, you must remove all the seeds. 

If you are an allergic person or while using the kanakallate take correct directions before using. Outerside of kanakallate is have little bit of roughness so it will cause itching.


For making the majjigehuli we don’t need many ingredients and the roasting of spices. The masala we just grind the grated coconut with green chillies for spiciness.  Grinded paste is added to cooked vegetables with some buttermilk. If buttermilk is not there or not available then use curd. While adding the buttermilk, check if the buttermilk is sour or not. If it is sour then add a little amount. 

After adding masala paste, just boil for a minute, not more than that. Because of the added buttermilk, the taste will differ if you boil too much after adding buttermilk. Then give a simple tempering with red chili, mustard and curry leaves. 

This majjigehuli is great with hot rice. You can have this majjigehuli with dosa too. 

Do try this simple tradition and enjoy the majjige huli. Share how you are prepared, what you added and what difficulties you faced. Thank you guys for coming here and catching my recipes. I am overwhelmed by your support and valuable feedback. Follow me on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and all the links are mentioned below. Love you all. 

TrendyAngel Kitchen | Vegetarian Food | Healthy, Traditional, Modern, Regional & More.

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